First Link
753 2nd Ave E
Owen Sound, ON
N4K 2G9
Toll-Free: 1-800-265-9013
Fax: 519-376-2428
Administration: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm
Call * no referral required

Eligibility - Population(s) Served
People with Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias, and their caregivers
People who regularly provide physical, social, or emotional supports


Julie Johnston - Executive Director

Cindy Zettler - Team Leader and Counsellor


Area(s) Served
Bruce and Grey

Description of Services:
One-on-one counseling and group supports for caregivers, including family and friends

First Link - Networking for people affected by Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia, to a community of learning, services and support * one-on-one counseling * caregiver support groups * referral to community resources by phone, drop in, or home visit * First Link Learning Series offered regularly in various locations in Grey Bruce

First Steps-Living Well with Memory Loss - 6-part series helps people newly diagnosed with a dementia and their caregivers understand their diagnosis and the changes they experience, as well as practical and timely support for learning strategies to compensate for loss of driving privileges, and planning ahead

Care Essentials - 2-part series offers family members and friends caring for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia; problem solving strategies, approaches for communication and available avenues for support, all of which can strengthen their ability to provide care

Options for Care - This workshop helps family members and friends caring for people with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia evaluate their current caregiving needs and explore other possible care options available, including long-term care

Care in the Later Stages - This workshop will offer family members and friends caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and understand what to expect in the later stages of the disease * the series will explore how participants can provide comfort to the person as well as review the experiences of grief and loss

Taking Control of Our Lives
- This workshop is for individuals diagnosed with a dementia and is intended to help develop skills, increase confidence and help feel empowered to take control of their life * participants will have an opportunity to share their ideas with others, to work through them and understand more about what they need and want * participants also hear ideas from others who have experiences that are similar to or different from their own

Counsellors connect people affected, health care providers or family members to appropriate services * seven caregiver support groups exist in communities across Grey and Bruce
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Last update: Mar 4, 2024: Suggest an edit